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Bombshell Boss Page 4

  Julian takes my face in his hands and gently kisses me.

  “Baby, that dream I can make come true.”


  Five years later. Our home on Nantucket Island.

  I gather the basket of flowers and take Lilly’s hand.

  “Wait, Mommy. I want this one too.”

  I laugh as Lilly places a single dandelion into the basket. I don’t have the heart to tell her that it’s a weed. I don’t think it matters, anyway. She’ll only tell me that weeds are the best flowers of all.

  “Now we must take these flowers and put them in a vase with water. That way they will stay fresh and we can enjoy them for several days.”

  “How many days?”

  “I’m not sure exactly how many days, but it could be a bunch of days.”

  “What happens after that?”

  “The flowers will get old and die. But we don’t have to worry about that right now. It won’t happen for a while.”

  “Where will they go when they die?”

  “We’ll have to throw them away.”

  I fill the vase with water and place it on the table. I lift Lilly onto her chair and give her the flowers, one by one to place inside the vase. Her dandelion goes in first.

  “That’s so sad.”

  “What’s so sad?”

  “That we have to throw the flowers away.”

  “It is sad, but we can go get more flowers when that happens. And besides, I’m going to paint a picture of these flowers so even when they die, they’ll still be here.”

  That seems to make her happy, and there’s no more talk about dying flowers. That is, until her father comes home.

  Julian comes into the kitchen and kisses Lilly and then me.

  “How are my two favorite girls?”

  “Look at my flowers, Daddy. Mommy and me picked them, but they’re going to die.”

  Julian gives me a confused look.

  “Lilly has learned today that flowers don’t last and that we throw them away when they die.”

  Julian picks Lilly up and hugs her tight.

  “It’s okay, Daddy, don’t be sad. We’ll get new ones then, and Mommy says she’s going to paint a picture of them. That way they’ll never die.”

  I look at Julian with tears in my eyes. Grateful for our love and the family we’ve built. Knowing that whatever the future holds, we’ve created something that will stand the test of time. That’s what love is, after all.


  About the Author

  Callie Cole is a contemporary romance author who loves to write about strong women with just a bit of spunk. Asked if any of the characters in her books are anything like her, Callie says, "Yup. Every single one of them!

  Callie's stories can make you laugh, cry, and get your heart racing. "I have the most fun writing sweet and spicy characters. I want the reader to care about the people in my stories.”


  Also by Callie Cole

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  Hard on the Heart

  Wild and Blue

  Unlove You
